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Tracking API

Covers APIs for getting a list of couriers and retrieving waybill information.

Query.track (get waybill information)

You can use Query.track to query waybill information via courier ID and waybill number.

Typical response time is less than a second, with a recommended timeout of up to 15 seconds.


Periodically polling the Track API to track changes is not recommended. If you need to track changes, use the Tracking Webhook API.

Get the last status

Many users of Delivery Tracker use the last status lookup feature to determine whether a delivery has been completed. You can easily retrieve the last event via [TrackInfo.lastEvent] (/docs/api-schema/types/objects/track-info), as shown in the example below.

Query (GraphQL)
to see the response.

Get full information

The example below shows an example of looking up the last 10 events for a specific waybill number. If you need more than 10 events, you can view more events via Pagination.

In addition, TrackInfo contains a variety of other information not mentioned in the documentation, such as sender information, see TrackInfo for more information.

Query (GraphQL)
to see the response.

Query.carriers (get a list of couriers)


You can use Query.carriers to get a list of carriers.

Below is an example of importing 10 available couriers. For information related to pagination, see Pagination.

Query (GraphQL)
to see the response.

Specify your country

You can provide a hint (preference) to the courier sort order by specifying your preferred country in countryCode in Query.carriers.


Currently, you can specify countryCode, but it is not reflected in the results and will be reflected after the GA release.

Query (GraphQL)
to see the response.

You can use searchText in Query.carriers to search for the desired carrier.

Based on the text entered, it will infer the courier the user wants and provide a list of likely couriers.

Query (GraphQL)
to see the response.

Request to add a carrier

If you need to add a carrier that Delivery Tracker doesn't offer, then please refer to here.