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Contains tracking information for a shipment.

type TrackInfo {
trackingNumber: String!
lastEvent: TrackEvent
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): TrackEventConnection
sender: ContactInfo
recipient: ContactInfo


TrackInfo.trackingNumber ● String! non-null scalar

The tracking number for the shipment.

TrackInfo.lastEvent ● TrackEvent object

Represents the most likely event that has occurred recently. This may differ from the last item in TrackInfo.events.

For example, if there are any abnormal situations such as OUT_FOR_DELIVERY events being registered after the DELIVERED event in events, the lastEvent.status.code will still prioritize DELIVERED.

TrackInfo.events ● TrackEventConnection object

A list of tracking events for the shipment.

The event sort order is from oldest to newest events.

Important: See also TrackInfo.lastEvent field.

TrackInfo.events.first ● Int scalar

Relay-style Cursor Connection first argument.

TrackInfo.events.after ● String scalar

Relay-style Cursor Connection after argument.

TrackInfo.events.last ● Int scalar

Relay-style Cursor Connection last argument.

TrackInfo.events.before ● String scalar

Relay-style Cursor Connection before argument.

TrackInfo.sender ● ContactInfo object

The sender's contact information.

TrackInfo.recipient ● ContactInfo object

The recipient's contact information.

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track query