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Returns a connection object containing carriers.

See: https://tracker.delivery/docs/tracking-api

first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
searchText: String
countryCode: String
): CarrierConnection


carriers.first ● Int scalar

Relay-style Cursor Connection first argument.

carriers.after ● String scalar

Relay-style Cursor Connection after argument.

carriers.last ● Int scalar

Relay-style Cursor Connection last argument.

carriers.before ● String scalar

Relay-style Cursor Connection before argument.

carriers.searchText ● String scalar

A search query to filter carriers by name or other criteria.

carriers.countryCode ● String scalar

Preferred country. This value affects the display order of the courier list. Format : ISO 3166-1 alpha-2


CarrierConnection object

A connection object for a list of shipping carriers.